organic certified
Where are we located?
We cultivate our coffee in the northern mountains of Puebla (Mexico) above 1,000 m and in one of the northernmost possible latitudes for coffee to grow on the planet (21° North).
How true is the statement that the higher the location of a coffee farm is, the better-quality potential the coffee will have?
It is partly true, but knowing only the altitude is not enough, especially when comparing coffees from different territories.
According to the World Coffee Research organization, “Optimal altitude depends on a farm’s LATITUDE. Farms located close to the equator will have higher optimal altitudes than those farther north or south of the equator. First, locate your correct latitude, then find the corresponding optimal altitude.”
As a matter of example, while for some areas in Colombia or in Brazil, with a latitude between 5°N to 5°S, the optimal high altitude is considered to be above 1,600 m, for areas like our ranch in Puebla (Mexico) with a latitude far above 15°N, high altitude is considered to start at a 1,000 m.
It should be noted that the farm’s location is just ONE of MANY other FACTORS that influences coffee quality. We take highest care of ALL the other factors - from the seed until the coffee is with you ready for roasting.
How do we grow our coffee plants?
All our coffee is raised by hand and in harmony with nature which means i.e. that all our coffee plants are growing in the shade of thousands of different trees.
Everything starts with the manual selection of the very best coffee seeds, which are then planted one by one. Once the seeds are planted, we take good care of them while they grow for 6 months in our café guardería – the coffee nursery, a specially protected area where the amount of sunlight and the humidity is controlled. As soon as the little ones are big enough, we carry them to their predetermined spot at the hillside and plant them by hand. They grow and prosper there for 3 years until we can harvest the very first coffee cherries.